
PARIS FONCIÈRE ET TRANSACTION CONSEIL SAS share capital 1000€ 111 Avenue Victor Hugo 75784 PARIS CEDEX 16 - contact@parisftconseil.com
Professional card: Issued by the CCI Paris Île de France
Business card number: CPI 7501 2018 000 023 453 - Siret 811 161 892 00013 - code APE 6831Z - VAT FR 31811161892 - Assurance Sérénis RCP n° VD 7.000.001/19893

Mediation of consumption
For any dispute relating to the execution of the mandate, the principal, if he is a "consumer" within the meaning of the preliminary article of the consumer code, is informed in accordance with articles L.616 - 1 and R.616 - 1 that he can refer the matter to the consumer mediator.
To settle your disputes (of any transaction by simple or exclusive mandate), first of all, you must send us a written complaint to PARIS FONCIÈRE ET TRANSACTION CONSEIL SAS 111 Avenue Victor Hugo 75016 Paris

One month later, if you are not satisfied, you can contact

In accordance with Article L 611-1 of the Consumer Code, the consumer is informed that he has the possibility to seize a mediator of consumption under the conditions envisaged in articles L 611-1 and following of the code of consumption, whose administrative coordinates are: Association MEDIMMOCONSO, 1 Allée du Parc de Mesemena - Bât A - CS25222 - 44505 LA BAULE CEDEX ; Website : https://medimmoconso.fr/adresser-une-reclamation/